I fought the law

The law won.
"I Fought the Law" is a 1960 song by The Crickets.

How can this be, the law is good and proper, the law maintains order, the law sets a standard, without the law there would be anarchy. However! Only Human!!!
It seems like there would be freedom without the restraints of some authority telling us what to do.
However, when the Authority is God who is all knowing and all powerful and the creator of all things, we better stop and think about what we are challenging. You have heard of the mouse that roared, actually this defiance sounds like a pin drop squeak in the whole universe hallway when we react to what just is.

Its Ok to be frustrated and even angry at the injustice of it all, but challenging the order of all things is not the way to go, that’s more than ploughing into a brick wall at 100mph in a tin can.
I fought the law and so did you, we all do it.
Its just a human right to make a noise.
Questions yes very healthy.
I am not talking about the injustices and the suffering that occurs in everybody’s world that has endured this planet, that is a whole another subject and basically that is a result of opposing the law at our own peril as well as effecting others including the innocents and future generations.
This is a tragic world that needs a lot of help.

I have Good News.
I fought the law and the law won but Jesus fulfilled the law on my behalf and won and then paid the ransom for my losses.
You wont get a better salvation rescue than that anywhere in the universe, I don’t care if you escape to the rings of Saturn and hang out there, the law will still get you one way or another.
Why cant we beat the law? its really straight forward, we are not God.
We may be gods or wanne be gods of our own little complex universe where everybody else and everything else is supposed to bend to our wishes and do what we say, but everybody else wants the same thing, I did it my way you get on the highway out of my world, but we are all sharing the same real estate space, there is a lot of crossing over, so what is supposed to happen when the gods clash, the biggest meanest baddest win? Guess what, the biggest meanest baddest have fought the law and the law won, maybe not today or tomorrow, but it will win and that is inevitable, boom the day will come, how the mighty have fallen.
So the only way to beat the law is to fulfil the law and that means only ONE who is God in the flesh, Jesus and He did it for us. We can accept the best choice of our lives and be with HIM and like HIM, but it will cost us our little empires of glitter and tinsel glory, yep we gotta give those up and accept that God is God not us, there isn’t another universe we can go to and independently set up shop and be god there. Yeh there is the train man in the matrix, he has his train and a concrete jungle subway stop shelter. but even that will be ground to powder one day and burnt to smithereens, bye bye false universe hello to reality.
Submit to God resist the devil and you will be established.
I surrendered to Jesus and won in HIM and the law won, Jesus overcame and now so can we so we and now we have a balanced ledger.

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid love them or lump them they took on the law and lost in the end, brutal, this might be the law as run by men in charge and is not ideal and subject to corruption, but even the law will fight the laws made by men and women and the law will win. You just cant be the law and use it anyway you see fit, it doesn’t work like that, you cant weaponise the law and break the law, you cant change the law to suit yourself, that’s about self and that is fighting the law, that’s a lose lose.

The Prodigal Son lost it all but the prodigal won because he surrendered. You know in the parable of the Prodigal Son.
The older brother lost because he fought by the law as the final judge. The older brother didn’t surrender to the law, instead he became a self appointed policeman for God, he was self righteous and high and mighty above all of those no good sinners. The older brother is not God, a hard lesson to learn, we all should learn it, but we all do it, sit in the judgement seat and then we also all do what the prodigal did as a rebel, fought the law and lost. None of us are God, well that’s a revelation. Plenty think they are god and they can replace God and do the job better, they even think well I will just imagine God doesn’t exist and create my own universe and govern it. You didn’t create it and you really hardly know anything on how it actually was made and how intricately it works, you don’t have a clue otherwise you wouldn’t ever attempt such an insane act as a very miniscule creation compared to the whole, in your mind only are you that great that you would be foolish enough to propose such folly. Go ahead then try to create your own universe, I will just try this bit of hocus pocus, a spell here and there, shazam yeh I am a god king. No you will fall like mere men, perish a forgotten legend, a mist of the past made a name but its all over now, history.
Bye bye gods.
There is only ONE GOD serve Him only.
There is a tiny weeny cymbal clanging noise and its you. The two cymbals either side of the head, clang I woke up.

Romans 8
3 For what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh, God did by sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, on account of sin: He condemned sin in the flesh,
4 that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.
Jesus accomplished for us the righteous requirement of the law, what we cannot possibly do.
That’s the Good News.
Colossians 2
11 In Him you were also circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, by putting off the body of the sins of the flesh, by the circumcision of Christ,
12 buried with Him in baptism, in which you also were raised with Him through faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead.
13 And you, being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He has made alive together with Him, having forgiven you all trespasses,
14 having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross.
15 Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it.
Yes, you see all the opposing accusations against us have been nailed to the cross, when we surrender all and transfer our unrighteous deeds over and pick up our new life in HIM, we are now raised up with Jesus in the Heavenly Realms, where we can operate like He would here on earth. Yes it means we are no longer little gods in our own right, wise in our own eyes, but now we have awakened to the reality that we are in Christ, new creation beings, you wont get any higher than that even if you wear Eltons highest heels boots.

That’s Good News brothers and Sisters.
You might have lost the first round knocked out into la la land, spinning around like a frenzied top, but in round two you got a new coach Jesus and He took you right through to KO on the enemy.
I cant wait for the comments section here on this post where people will give me the usual wonderful feedback, "man I am so glad I don’t have to attempt to be god anymore, that’s a real load off my mind, I can just dump those crummy universes I stitched together and hand it all over to Jesus, where He shows me how things should be run". This is the New Deal. Learning to love is a big learning curve a for all of us, even if you are Mother Theresa and we know that there are a few Fake Christs out there claiming all sorts trying to do the god thing, a big over inflated messiah complex.
Good News is even when we fought the law and the law won. There is a Saviour.
Jesus fulfilled it all for us and won us back where we belong in HIM.
That’s a whole new fresh start.

Don’t be a wanne be god, be God's very own forever.
Peace, God is Good all of the time.

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credits to:- Bible Gateway
New King James Version was used for most Bible references.

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